Here’s a couple who just raise so many questions it makes my head hurt. On the way to see Nick Della Penna and Estelle Ross’s sculptural installation I passed through Woodstock. I saw a wizard walking down the street. My rule is you stop when you see something because when you go back it’s gone (how many wizards do you see?) . But we were really late so didn’t stop.
Coming home, in no rush, we did stop to enjoy the street music and passing crowds. And here’s the wizard again. This time he’s not by himself. He’s guiding a second person, and a little white dog, on an extravagantly decorated tricycle that looks like it might be holding all their possessions. I started taking pictures, keeping my distance, not getting in their faces.
I assumed the passenger was a woman but she had a beard. The man was wearing a long skirt. I thought she might be riding because walking was difficult but later saw was peddling. They were giving the peace sign to people who engaged with them.
So I wonder, is this a couple in need or freely living by their wits doing exactly as they want?